

1909 origin

The name STEENO is created by the contraction of the name Vandesteene and the municipal Otegem, where everything started... The founder of Steeno was Remi Vandesteene.  More than 100 years, in 1909, Rémi launched the first horse plow.   Rémi his son, René, walk on the footsteps of his father and designs the first reversible plough.  By the use of the highly acclaimed steels and heat treatments, high quality products have been delivered.



Fifties: entry of 5 sons

The line of ameloiration and innovation of machines for tillage has been extended in the 50s when the 5 sons of René make their entry into the business.  Thanks to them we can call ourselves the leader of the Belgian market!


Sixties: second branch in Onkerzele

Because of lack of space in Otegem, and by the entry of 5 sons, the purchase of a second branch in Onkerzele is needed. We continue to create new machines. The 5 brothers occupy with expansion of activities, produce more heavy and large ploughs, create cultivators, subsoilers and injectors so that the factory in Onkelerzele must be enlarged 7 times!  Beside the agricultural sector, the Vandesteenes, take their place in the textile sector by making bovenvouwen.  Metal constructions belong also to the activities of Steeno.



Seventies: textile industry extends

Otegem (near Kortrijk) is located in the center of the textile industry which extended during the years.  Steeno adapted to this extension by producing superstructures.  The South-West Flemish textile clients are close neighbors, but STEENO took aim on foreign countries. Not only in Northern France and Germany (Babcock), but also in Russia, Indonesia, Israel, Kuwait, Morocco, Brazil, etc..., STEENO could sell textile equipment. 


Eighties: grote verbeteringen in productie

STEENO komt op de markt met de randschijf, gemonteerd op 3- en 4-scharige wentelploegen. Hiermee kon met 1 werktuig alles worden afgewerkt: zowel het gereedzetten van het perceel als het beëindigen ervan.

De steeds grotere tractoren deden de vraag naar grotere ploegen stijgen en STEENO volgde zoals andere Europese constructeurs de vraag door het bouwen van de duwploeg.  In de tweede helft van de jaren 80 vergroot STEENO zijn gamma met de half-gedragen ploeg en volgt hiermee de behoeften van de landbouwers.  Door gebruik te maken van hoogwaardige staalsoorten, om onder andere aan de grotere belastingen weerstand te kunnen bieden, slaagt STEENO erin sterke ploegen aan de man te brengen.

Nineties: the 4th generation enters even as the imported brands

In the 90 's, the 5 brothers are strengthened by the fourth generation, the 3 great-grandsons of Remi. As well as being a producer, they are now also importer for the Benelux of some foreign brands such as Carré, Bugnot, Eurotechnics, Tortella, OMB, Tigges, Lehner, Spearhead, Fiona... These brands are distributed by the sister company Vanometaal.




Years 2000 till now

Today STEENO aspire to provide high-quality products. Steeno lacks a large R&D department but reflects with the customer which machine he needs. At this time Steeno is the Belgian market leader but also wants to reach the foreign market. Steeno is not only represented in France, the Netherlands, but also in the far East such as China, Ukraine, Libya... But far or near, a Steeno customer becomes at the first place!


A ce jour STEENO aspire de fournir des produits de haute qualité. Steeno ne dispose pas d'un grand department R&D mais réfléchit avec le client quelle machine répond à son besoin. À ce moment Steeno est le leader du marché belge mais ambtionne aussi le marché étrangère. Steeno n'est pas seulement représenté en France, les Pays-bas,... mais aussi dans l'Extrême-Orient comme la Chine, l'Ukraine, la Libye... Mais loin ou proche, chez Steeno le client devient à la première place!


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